Sunday, February 13, 2011

Climate Change Keenly Felt in Alaska's National Parks

While reading Yahoo news and searching the green section of the news I found this article. Before even reading it, I thought it was in
teresting to see the way that they don't call it global warming but that it is called climate change. This small change really has stuck out to me since listening in class and this article is a perfect example of this.
In Alaska there is many risks of floods because of the heat that has been recently occurring. The problem with this is that it is effecting the way in which the national parks that are in Alaska look. One of the biggest problems is that there has been an increase in wildfires. The animals that live in Alaska are having a difficult time surviving because they depend on the food from the sea and glaciers. Alaska has warmed at least three times as fast than the other states have.Two thirds of the national parks in the U.S. are located in Alaska and we need to save them but this climate is working in a completely different way than normal. The parks are going to experience the temperature going from below freezing to above freezing which will change a lot of the aspects of the national parks. The article really shows the dangers of global warming for our nature.
I find this article to be sad because of the fact that Alaska has so many of our national parks. People who don't believe in global warming or as the article calls it, climate change, they should look at the real life evidence of what is happening in Alaska. With the economic recession and the fact that we are fighting two wars, I think that the whole idea of global warming is being pushed to the side and is not so much in the fore front of conversation like it used to be. I don't like the changing of the name just to make it sound less harsh but I think that it is a good thing that at least someone is bringing it somewhat to the attention of people. Obviously the people of Alaska can see the changes but everyone is oblivious. Many more steps need to be taken in order to fix the problem with global warming.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pollutants May Threaten Mexico's Coast

While reading Yahoo news, I came across an article about Mexico's water and the fact that it is being studied about the amount of pollution that it has. In Mexico's "Riviera Maya" there has been many different types of pollution that have affected it. Pollution such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and chemical run off have been pouring into the river. This article was published in a journal of Environmental Pollution where there was a study done on the pollutants. This report shows that the water from Mexico flows into the Caribbean Sea. In the year of 1990, 50 percent of the coral reefs were lost. The study that has been done thinks that the reason for this could be because of the pollution. The study notes that there should be a ten fold increase in human population by the year of 2030. With more people only comes more pollution. Humans cause most of the pollution to the water. One of the solutions that the article suggests is that we use monitoring systems so that we can find out where the most of the pollution is coming from in order to stop it.
This article caught my attention because it is exactly what I am researching for my research paper. I have found a lot of valuable information that will help to gear me in the right direction. I think that its terrible that humans are the ones that are polluting more than anything. I agree with the fact that we need to use systems in order to figure out how the pollution is occurring because that is the only way that it will be stopped. I found that half of the coral reefs have been destroyed because of pollution interesting. The big picture is never really looked at so I feel like people don't see it as a problem when they look at it on an individual basis. I really think that something needs to be done with water pollution not only for human health but for wildlife also.