Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan Nuclear Crisis Unlike Chernobyl: U.N. atom chief

In this article from Yahoo news, it explains how the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan flooded the nuclear plants in Japan but it did not destroy the rector vessels. The release of radiation was limited, which is a positive. The director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Amano, is confident that the Japan government will restore safety at the nuclear sites and that a disaster like Chernobyl will not happen or at least it is very unlikely. The Japan authorities are trying their best to get the nuclear plants in a stable position, but obviously the circumstances are making it difficult. Although the nuclear plants have been completely flooded from the disaster, the reactor vessels have stayed intact. Some radiation has released in certain areas but not enough to endanger the people because the levels of radiation have fell. The statuses of the nuclear plants have been the worse since the Ukraine in Chernobyl in 1986. This has given the fear of radiation leakage but so far it is under control. The difference between these two incidents is that in Japan, the reactors automatically shut down as the earthquake occurred.

Although these natural disasters were terrible for the country of Japan, there are slight positives that can be looked at. If the reactors were to have leaked and let off massive radiation then the circumstances in Japan could have been much much worse. Japan is facing a terrible situation, but there still has to be hope for better things to come with aid and such. The Japanese have faced many critics when it came to their preparation for this disaster, but now that it has already happened, all we can do is help Japan get back on its feet.

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